Flavorful Festival Food

Our Concepts

Levitate Music Festival (MA)

High Water Music Festival (SC)

Shaky Knees Music Festival (GA)

Hoofbeat Music Festival (WI)

Rock Fest (WI)

Playthink (KY)

Riverbend Music Festival (TN)

Ubbi Dubbi (TX)

Blue Ridge Rock Fest (VA)

Watermelon Pickers' Fest (VA)

Boogie Down Music and Art Festival (WI)

PeopleFest (WI)

WeFest (MN)

Shangri-La Music Festival (MN)

Boats and Bluegrass (MN)

We’ve brought our concepts to festivals large and small all over the country.

Some of our favorites include:

Festival Experience

Mempho Fest (TN)

Albino Skunk Music Festival (SC)

Bluegrass Island Music Festival (NC)

Seismic Dance Event (TX)

Dreamville (SC)

Solar Strings (MO)

Freshgrass Music Festival (AR)

Breakaway Music Festival (OH, MN)

Dark Star Jubilee (OH)

Railbird (KY)

Bonfire (WI)

4848 Fest (WV)

Big Dub Music Festival (PA)

Shoe Fest (IL)

Sea. Hear. Now (NJ)